Ant Execute Java Program
How to convert Java program into jar As Matthew Flaschen commentedanswered, youll need to have a manifest file in your jar, and that should contain Main Class header pointing out which is the main class in the jar to execute. The answer by aioobe perfectly illustrates the simplest way to do this. But instead of doing that always manually, Id recommend that you take a look at a build tool, such as Apache Ant or Maven, but thats probably a bit harder to get started with, which are very commonly used to automate these kind of build sequences. With Ant, youd create a buildfile most commonly named build. Tester. lt target namebuild. Compiles the code and packages it in a jar. Tester. jar. lt fileset dirclasses. Main Class valuecom. Tester. lt manifest. Now, calling ant build would compile your code and package it in Tester. Tester. jar. Note that this example assumes that your sources are in src directory, relative to where you run the command. Youll also need to have Ant installed of course. If you do decide to try out Ant, its official manual will be immensely useful especially the list of Ant tasks which e. Installing Apache Ant Getting Apache Ant The Short Story. To get up and running with the binary edition of Ant quickly, follow these steps Make sure you have a Java. Want to jump right in I have zipped up a working project, with examples. Gta San Andreas Zombie Apocalypse Mod Torrent Fifa 10. You can download it here. Whats that You like using Cucumber and want to use it with. ANT-Installation-FINAL-.jpg' alt='Ant Execute Java Program' title='Ant Execute Java Program' />My. SQL Java tutorial My. SQL programming in Java with JDBC. This is a Java tutorial for the My. SQL database. It covers the basics of. HWJ013IntentionActionsSuggestionList.png' alt='Ant Execute Java Program' title='Ant Execute Java Program' />Based on the HTTP request URL, the DispatcherServlet calls the corresponding Controller. This is MySQL Java tutorial. This tutorial covers the basics of MySQL programming in Java with JDBC. Change Eclipse Ant settings when you run out of memory. I am trying to build maven project. I am getting following error. The complete stack trace is below ERROR Failed to execute goal org. My. SQL programming in Java with JDBC. Zet. Code has a complete e book for My. SQL Java. My. SQL Java programming e book. In this tutorial, we use the. My. SQL ConnectorJ driver. It is the official JDBC driver for My. SQL. The examples were created and tested on Ubuntu Linux. You might also want. Java tutorial. Postgre. SQL Java tutorial. Apache Derby tutorial. My. SQL tutorial, or. Spring Jdbc. Template tutorial on Zet. Code. JDBCJDBC is an API for the Java programming language that defines how a. It provides methods for querying and updating. JDBC is oriented towards relational databases. From a technical point of view, the API is as a set of classes in the java. To use JDBC with a particular database, we need a JDBC driver for that database. JDBC is a cornerstone for database programming in Java. Today, it. is considered to be very low level and prone to errors. Solutions. such as My. Batis or Jdbc. Template were created to ease the burden of. JDBC programming. However, under the hood, these solutions still use JDBC. JDBC is part of the Java Standard Edition platform. JDBC manages these three main programming activities. My. SQL ConnectorJ. To connect to My. SQL in Java, My. SQL provides My. SQL ConnectorJ, a driver. JDBC API. My. SQL ConnectorJ is a JDBC Type 4 driver. The Type 4 designation means that the driver is a pure Java. My. SQL protocol and does not rely on the. My. SQL client libraries. In this tutorial, we use My. SQL ConnectorJ 5. Connection string. A database connection is defined with a connection string. It contains. information such as database type, database name, server. It also may contain additional keyvalue. Each database has its own connection string. Reaktor 5 Mac on this page. The following is a syntax of a My. SQL connection string. Name. 1property. Value. Name. 2property. Value. It is possible to specify multiple hosts for a server failover setup. The items in square brackets are optional. If no host is specified. If the port for a host is not. My. SQL servers. jdbc mysql localhost 3. SSLfalse. This is an example of a My. SQL connection string. The jdbc mysql is known. My. SQL. We connect to the. My. SQL standard port 3. The database name. The additional keyvalue pairs follow the. The use. SSLfalse tells My. SQL. that there will be no secure connection. About My. SQL database. My. SQL is a leading open source database management system. It is a multi user. My. SQL is especially popular on the web. It is one part of the very popular LAMP platform consisting of Linux, Apache. My. SQL, and PHP. Currently My. SQL is owned by Oracle. My. SQL database is available on. OS platforms. It runs on BSD Unix, Linux, Windows, or Mac OS. Wikipedia and You. Tube use My. SQL. These sites manage millions of queries. My. SQL comes in two versions My. SQL server system and My. SQL. embedded system. Before we start. For this tutorial, we need to have several libraries installed. We need to install mysql server and mysql client packages. The first package. My. SQL server and the second one contains, among others, the mysql. We need to install the JDK, Java Development Kit. Java programs. Finally, we need the. My. SQL ConnectorJ driver. In Net. Beans, we go to the Projects tab and. Libraries node, and select Add JARFolder. We locate the. My. SQL ConnectorJ JAR and add it to the project libraries. Figure Net. Beans project libs. The My. SQL ConnectorJ can be downloaded from. If we do not already have My. SQL installed, we must install it. This command installs the My. SQL server and various other packages. While installing the package, we are prompted to enter a password. My. SQL root account. Next, we are going to create a new database user and a new database. We use the mysql client. We check if the My. SQL server is running. If not, we need. to start the server. On Ubuntu Linux, this can be done. Enter password. Welcome to the My. SQL monitor. Commands end with or g. Your My. SQL connection id is 3. Server version 5. Ubuntu. Type help or h for help. Type c to clear the buffer. SHOW DATABASES. . Database . . We use the mysql monitor client application to connect to the. We connect to the database using the root account. We show all available. SHOW DATABASES statement. CREATE DATABASE testdb. Query OK, 1 row affected 0. We create a new testdb database. We will use this database throughout. CREATE USER testuserlocalhost IDENTIFIED BY test. Query OK, 0 rows affected 0. USE testdb. Database changed. GRANT ALL ON testdb. TO testuserlocalhost. Query OK, 0 rows affected 0. We create a new database user. We grant all privileges to this user. It is more convenient to create our applications with Maven. UTF 8. lt project xmlnshttp maven. POM4. 0. 0. xmlns xsihttp www. XMLSchema instance. Locationhttp maven. POM4. 0. 0. http maven. Version 4. 0. Version. Id com. zetcodelt group. Id. lt artifact. Id Versionlt artifact. Id. lt version 1. SNAPSHOTlt version. Encoding UTF 8lt project. Encoding. lt maven. Id mysqllt group. Id. lt artifact. Id mysql connector javalt artifact. Id. lt version 5. The POM file has a dependency for the My. SQL driver. If the following program runs OK, then we have everything. OK. We check the version of the My. SQL server. package com. Connection. import java. Driver. Manager. import java. Result. Set. import java. SQLException. import java. Statement. import java. Level. import java. Logger. public class Version. String args. Connection con null. Statement st null. Result. Set rs null. String url jdbc mysql localhost 3. String user testuser. String password test. Driver. Manager. get. Connectionurl, user, password. Statement. rs st. QuerySELECT VERSION. System. out. printlnrs. String1. catch SQLException ex. Logger lgr Logger. LoggerVersion. class. Name. lgr. logLevel. SEVERE, ex. get. Message, ex. SQLException ex. Logger lgr Logger. LoggerVersion. class. Name. lgr. logLevel. WARNING, ex. get. Message, ex. We connect to the database and get some info about the My. SQL server. String url jdbc mysql localhost 3. This is the connection URL for the My. SQL database. Each driver. URL. In our case, we provide a. Driver. Manager. get. Connectionurl, user, password. We establish a connection to the database, using the connection URL. The connection is established with the. Connection method. Statement. The create. Statement method of the connection. Statement object for sending SQL. QuerySELECT VERSION. The execute. Query method of the connection. SQL statement, which returns a single Result. Set object. The Result. Set is a table of data returned by a specific SQL statement. System. out. printlnresult. String1. A Result. Set object maintains a cursor pointing to its current row of data. Initially the cursor is positioned before the first row. The next. method moves the cursor to the next row. If there are no rows left, the method. The get. String method retrieves the value. The first column has index 1. SQLException ex. Logger lgr Logger. LoggerVersion. class. Name. lgr. logLevel. SEVERE, ex. get. Message, ex. In case of an exception, we log the error message. For this console. Inside the finally block, we close the database resources.