Vista Windows Update Svchost Memory Leak Virus

Comodo Internet Security User reviews from Snapfiles. Great to have this free, but slows down the system loads. Review details. Thanks paul, I will try that fix. My gaming sessions arent that long either but the memory leak doesnt end when I quit the game And Windows runs really sloppy with. Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, Windows XP You can download and install SubInACL. Windows 2000. Works great on win xp. Autocad Blocks Of Playgrounds For Kids. I have used Comodo Internet Security for more than 4 years now never a problem. Been using this for many years, and the latest version is very complete, and now very easy to use. Very few people will need to vary from the default settings, and the help is good if you really want to know. Comodo runs a very active forum, and it is clear that they do respond to it, and have taken on board the comments in the version improvements. On an old slow PC, it will impact performance at times, but unless very old shouldnt discourage you from giving it a try. You can certainly live without the paid upgrade features mentioned by another reviewer but this year I chose to do it because its not a lot of cash, and I felt I owed Comodo Actually did use the interactive Geek Buddy help that comes with that, and it certainly saved some time upgrading to Win. Comodo though. Review details. Works great on win xp. I have used Comodo Internet Security for more than 4 years now never a problem. Review details. Like many modern security suites, Comodo Internet Security attempts to do a lot of things at the same time, and as a result it produces a noticeable slowing down in the performance of the PC. This means that it is hard to recommend for older and slower PCs, or for applications where maximum performance is required. Comodo Internet Security has a gaming mode which is supposed to reduce this problem, but I did not notice a great difference while using it. Vista Windows Update Svchost Memory Leak Virus' title='Vista Windows Update Svchost Memory Leak Virus' />The program is easy to set up and the default settings should be enough for most users. Recommended, but only for computers connected to the Internet that require a high degree of protection. Review details. The new version is greatly improved. For most novices the default settings offer a lot of protection without a lot of pop ups,etc. This program offers about the best protection available free or paid for suites. I also recommend the paid version includes live remote virus removal and a 5. Review details. An excellent free anti virus and firewall option. Since having Comodo a few years ago, I never had to worry anymore, specially when combined with Spybot. Review details. I have been using Comodo for some time now. Intermittently, Ive loaded one of the other main rival free AVs, but have settled back here again. Once configured, it is unobtrusive and works without fuss. Occasionally, a flag will appear, asking whether to allowblock certain actions, which just needs a little attention and is not a problem. Most of these flags are just procedure and dont indicate anything malicious. Virus detection, etc I have found Comodo to be the most vigilant and thorough solution to the prevention and deletion of malicious items. I ran a few tests against its main rivals, using AV testing downloads. Whilst Avira and Avast eventually spotted the fake malicious file after Id opened it, or when attempting to open it, Comodo spotted it significantly quicker, before Id gone near it, and immediately flagged a warning. This superior vigilance was impressive and made the others look sleepy. Getting rid of Trojans, viruses etc is very simple, a couple of clicks and its gone. There are no half hearted messages saying cannot entirely delete the file cannot be deleted. Its very irritating to have located a virus or trojan only to find your AV cant dispose of it. This problem doesnt happen with Comodo, or at least hasnt happened to me. I would wholly recommend this security suite. I could buy a big name AV again, but what forThis software, oddly, doesnt get rated by some reviewsAV tests. There is no substitute for personal experience. Review details. This is the best protection that you can get for free. Comodo Internet Security Premium comes with tons of features Anti. Virus, Anti. Spyware, Firewall, Sandboxingall at no cost to the user. This is my primary means of protection, and I absolutely enjoy having it on my computers. Comodo Internet Security will definitely keep you safe, but I do want to suggest that only intermediate to advanced users use this, because it does involve a lot of the users attention and interaction at times. Overall, this is one stellar product. Recommended. Review details. Ive tried AVG and ANTIVIR as freeware protection. This program seems to give you a higher degree of protection, but involves a little more interaction with the extra protection. For example, on occasion a program install will not work properly, and I have become accustomed to immediately going to Comodo to see if it is blocking the install. The difference is Comodo will tend to disallow things by default, where other programs allow by default. If you want the extra default protection, a fantastic freeware choice. Review details. Highly capable suite but unless you are very experienced with your processes and connections and for example know exactly what to allow svchost. PC. Comodo and many users say that inexperienced users should simply use the default deny mode, which is true up to a point. But in my experience because the Comodo white list is not as comprehensive as Norton or Kaspersky, a user may find some legitimate software blocked or denied too many rights to run properly. An experienced user can deal with this, but an inexperienced one can completely mess things up and open up their system to attack. On the good side, but for a fee of 5. PC problems, so if you can benefit pro this then Comodo is good for you. Another common problem with Comodo is their very mixed level of quality. Often they release upgrades which are not adequately tested and then can cause major problems for some users, so be aware of this and use system restore before an upgrade. In conclusion, Comodo is superb for some users, potentially far better than most other tools out there, but a potential disaster or just plain inappropriate for most other users, in my view. Review details. Since 2. Excellent firewall, good antivirus, sometimes too much false positives excellent malware blocker not so good on removing malware and even if it is full of tabs and buttons their help documentation and instructions are so good that I really do not understand some of the comments below. Never had any problem, never had a major issue, it keeps my two machines nice and clean. Review details. Ive noticed an alarming trend on most all of the bad reviews here for Comodo Internet Security. It appears as though the bad reviewers complain, but yet they give no mention of taking the time to read the documentation on how to use this software and its requirements. Nor do they mention what type of computer they are using, my guess is probably one thats outdated or old, or doesnt quite meet the requirements to run this program. That makes a huge difference when trying to use new software. I have used several commercial, and tried all of the well known freeware virus, firewall programs and this one is by far the best. Dont get me wrong, I can see where this program could be a bit intimidating for someone who isnt familiar with the terminology or usage of the program. The bottom line is this does what it says it does. Excellent software Review details. Thats right, I said soft mare, because this software is a nightmare It is, by far, one of the worst applications I have ever made the mistake of trying to use.